Human Science

To act or not to act?

There appears to be some difference of opinion among advocates of The Secret as to the importance of taking action to achieve the goal. Some practitioners of this method emphasize the importance of attuning oneself and waiting for events to unfold. Others stress the importance of action. They insist that anything good comes by effort and once the opportunity shows itself, the rest is up to you. They affirm the most practical of all Western values, hard work. The success stories cited almost all involve a series of actions that led to the accomplishment.

The apparent contradiction between these positions is resolved when we recognize that there are various types and levels of personal effort. Step Three is Receive. The essential truth of step three can be summarized by the principle: Make an exhaustive effort.

The question remains, 'What type of effort?' Those who have attempted mental concentration know that it is an extremely demanding discipline. Every person who has accomplished in life knows the effort required to take a decision. Making up your mind on important issues can absorb enormous energy and leave you exhausted.

Once you know what to do, committing the will to that decision can consume even greater energy. Taking a decision, concentration on the goal, mustering all your energy and enthusiasm to pursue it, releasing enthusiasm for the pursuit are psychological forms of effort that require even more energy and effort than physically action to pursue the goal. Action requires effort. Waiting patiently and cheerfully, refusing to take initiative until conditions are ripe, refusing to be anxious or disturbed, irritated or annoyed are also acts – they are psychological actions of immense power. Of the two, inner psychological effort is far more powerful and effective in achieving results than external physical action. Either way, the key is to exhaust one’s effort – inwardly or outwardly, physically or psychologically.

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