Human Science


Humanity has made phenomenal progress during the past two centuries, most especially during the past 50 years. The process of social development has thus far been subconscious, haphazard, inequitable, imbalanced and frought with turmoil and unanticipated side effects. In spite of vast experience, our knowledge of this process remains very partial and fragmented. Development of a comprehensive theory of social development can enable us to convert this process into a conscious movement which is more rapid, harmonious and equitable. This portal presents the broad outlines and fundamental principles of a comprehensive theory applicable to all fields of human activity and all levels from the individual and organization to the national and global community.

Theory of Social Development[]

Concepts in Development Theory[]

Click for a complete list of topic articles on Concepts in Development Theory

Theory of Employment[]

For a complete list of articles on the theory of employment and strategies for full employment, see Jobs for All Project

Applications of Social Development Theory[]

Theory of Money[]

See Theory of Money Project

Specific Strategies and Topics[]

Development: Case Studies[]

Background Research[]

Development Discussion Forum[]

Raise questions or provide answers to questions raised by others in the Forum:Development Portal


External Links[]

  • Find here the results of research on the process of social development in an effort to develop the broad outlines and fundamental principles of a comprehensive theory applicable to all fields of human activity and all levels from the individual and organization to the national and global community.
  • The Mother's Service Society has undertaken a wide range of theoretical and practical projects covering issues in Indian Development including agricultural and rural development, employment generation, education and training, central planning, industry, exports, finance and infrastructure. See MSS Research for details.
  • See MSS Research for studies on international development issues including employment, inflation, banking and the transition of East European countries to market economies.

