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FULL EMPLOYMENT IS AN ACHIEVABLE GOAL Employment is the principal means by which citizens in democratic, market economies can meet their needs and fulfill their socio-economic aspirations. Yet, governments accept high levels of unemployment with a sense of resignation and helplessness. This sense of helplessness is unjustified and unacceptable. The future of today’s youth is too important to be abandoned on the basis of a limited conventional outlook. This project explores the theoretical basis and practical potential for creating full employment on a global scale within the next decade.
Myths and Facts about Employment[]
Myth: The global population explosion has resulted in a permanent shortage of jobs.
Myth: The global economy suffers from a surplus of qualified workers and a shortage of jobs for them to fill.
Myth: Technology is replacing people with machines at a frightening rate.
Myth: Globalization is destroying huge numbers of jobs in both industrialized and developing countries.
Myth: Huge numbers of jobs are being outsourced from OECD countries to low wage countries because of the salary differential.
Myth: The shortage of jobs will force people to retire earlier and earlier so that youth can fill their positions.
Myth: We are rapidly moving toward a time when most people will be unable to find work. Approach for Full Employment[]
Regional & Sectoral Strategies[]
Employment Discussion Forum[]Raise questions or provide answers to questions raised by others in the Forum:Jobs for All Project External Links[]