Human Science

For those who have tried The Secret and failed or are not satisfied with the results you have gotten, here is a simple diagnostic that can help you identify the obstacles and make The Secret deliver results in record time.

Answer these ten questions

Have you set a clear and unambigious goal that you want to achieve?

This is the first basic step and most people will readily answer 'yes'. But please examine your mind carefully. Especially pay attention to the word 'unambigious'. Many of us want many things but sometimes we want things that appear mutually exclusive. A young woman may strongly aspire for a successful career but at the same time have a strong desire to bear children while she is still young. A man may want to earn much more money, but dislike his job and be eager for more time away from work with his family. Step 1 is to make up your mind and throw the fully weight of your personality behind your decision.

Do you really want it?

This may sound the same as the first question, but it is not. Many times we know what we should want or should accomplish, but something in us really does not want it or does not really care whether we achieve. The pressure of parents, friends or a spouse may compel us to think and say we want to accomplish something, but if we really don't passionately aspire for it, don't expect The Secret to accomplish it anyway. Our own mind may tell us that some goal is very desirable, but our emotions may not consent and endorse that goal. Step 2 is to passionately aspire with all your heart and soul for the object of your aspiration. The sign that you fulfill this condition is that the thought of achieving the goal releases an overflowing abundance of enthusiastic energy.

Do you believe in The Secret:

The Secret is not a religion and faith is not a precondition for applying the method. But all human accomplishment depends on faith. It is only when we act with faith and conviction that our full energies will be released to achieve any result. Faith is the knowledge which cannot possess because it sees only the external appearances of things and not their deeper reality. Faith is the knowledge of the soul. Modern science leads us to feel that we are foolish or gullible if we believe in anything. But the fact is that we believe in many things and because we believe in them they work for us. Most of us believe in the power of hard work, honesty, friendships, technology, law, justice, freedom, respect, self-reliance, etc. Most of all we believe in ourselves. Without faith in ourselves or something higher than ourselves, we would not have the courage and strength to attempt new things. Faith is fundamental to accomplishment. Step 3 is to have faith in the method and apply it with sincerity and conviction. Have faith in the goal and your capacity to achieve the goal. Have faith in yourself and in life. The greater your faith, the greater your accomplishment.

Did you really try?

Millions of people have bought the book or seen the DVD of The Secret, but how many have really read it through and studied it very seriously? If general statistics about book reading have any validity, probably not more than 25% or maximum 50%. And of those who have read it and studied it thoroughly, how many have really tried to practice the method seriously and sincerely? How about you? If you really want high achievement, you have to be willing to work for it. Otherwise you are only wishing for it, not willing to make it happen. The Secret is not a way to accomplish without effort. It is a way to accomplish the maximum than you would otherwise accomplish with the same expenditure of energy and effort. Normally we expend our energy and effort physically running after a result. The Secret advises us to spend that energy mentally and psychologically aspiring, envisioning, emotionalizing and feeling positively. The effort required is not less. It is only different. It is an inner effort instead of an external effort. The difference is not in the effort required but in the magnitude of the results that you can achieve. And that difference is exponential!
