Human Science

Opening to the Force

Perhaps the greatest secret known to Man is the existence of a Power that when accessed can attract instantaneous good fortune, solve any problem, enable ultimate success, and bring about great joy and delight of being. By opening to this Power, to this spiritual Force before taking any action or commencing any activity, one is likely to notice shortly thereafter a sudden change of luck, as life begins to cooperate from every quarter, and sudden and abundant positive responses from life come our way.

A man was trying to figure out a complex computer programming problem. He stopped racking his brain, opened to this higher Power, and forgot about his problem. A minute later, not only did a solution to his problem come to him, but the new insight suggested a solution to a host of other related problems. As we see, opening to the Force before commencing an act has the power to attract “instantaneous miraculousness” from life, as problems are instantly solved, as new possibilities and solutions suddenly enter our mind from out of nowhere, and as activities are completed in the shortest period of time with the least effort, revealing an astonishing organization and efficiency.

The process of bringing in this spiritual element to an act we about to undertake is what we call “consecration.” By consecrating any act, activity, event, or circumstance, we enable the spiritual Force to take over, bringing to bear its Infinite powers. In addition, rather than depending on our own limited capacities, a consecrated act is suffused with the limitless Capacities of the Infinite. Thus, even if we do not have the necessary skill, knowledge, or capacity in an activity, the Higher Power will compensate for what we are missing.

And yet, even if we have the abilities to succeed in a given act, we still might not gain the cooperation of life, as many things can still go wrong. A consecrated act, however, elicits the full cooperation of life; as unexpected delays, breakdowns in equipment, and other difficulties that are normally beyond our control are overcome.

One other unique quality of a consecrated act is that the results that come our way are marvellously original and creative. Often the results include possibilities we never would have imagined. A woman had an x-ray done indicating a possible growth in her chest. She had faith and decided to consecrate the return visit to the doctor. The doctor, completely baffled, told her that his new reading of this very same x-ray (not a new one) revealed a completely normal condition.

Finally, a consecrated act can affect not only our own selves, but many individuals -- such as everyone in the local community, or the entire population of a state or a nation. If a person is deeply interested in the problem that is affecting the collective, and consecrates the issue with great intensity, life can respond overwhelmingly and eliminate the burden for the entire community. California was threatened by continuous energy shortages. There had been several brown outs, and there was an imminent threat for more of the same in the coming days -- even in the coming months and years. One individual took a great interest in this issue, and educated himself on the subject from various sides. He then consecrated the problem deeply. From that point on there was not a single outage, even a partial brownout for the three years that followed.

Spiritual Results Too

Now we begin to see that by opening to the Force before commencing an act, not only do we open our own selves to its powers -- including its ability to attract instantaneous abundance, its wondrous creative faculties, and its capacity to gain the complete cooperation of life -- but it can also be brought to bear on issues, situations, problems, and potentials affecting the collective.

In addition to these wondrous practical results –- such as curing an illness, solving a scientific or business problem, bringing a family together, or ending a drought –- there can also be spiritual results from a consecrated act, such as the arrival of a settled calm, or a profound stillness, or a richness and fullness in our being. In other situations, there can arise a fresh, buoyant energy that lifts the spirits, or a sense of harmony and unity amongst the participants, or, perhaps greatest of all, a deep and abiding joy and delight of being felt within.

An instructor's class was going very poorly one morning. Nothing seemed to go right. He then decided to consecrate the afternoon session by offering it to the higher Power. Thereafter, every conceivable thing went right. In addition, a deep peace and a palpable richness could be felt in the classroom throughout the remainder of the day.

This capacity of consecration to invoke sudden and abundant creatively practical and spiritual response from life is indicative of the super-subtle, i.e causal nature of the Force. Though we can all certainly invoke a wonderful response from life without consecration –- e.g. by shifting our wanting attitudes to the positive, or by taking a decided action that we were previously reluctant to take –- the results that come through the causal nature of consecration are even greater -- greater in quantity, quality, and intensity. Moreover, the causal nature of the Force also brings spiritual results, including experiences of Peace, Power, Knowledge, Truth, Love, Beauty, Delight, Oneness, Unity, and Infinity. This is the case because the Force is an instrument of the Infinite Spiritual Reality, which has all of these attributes inbuilt. 

Solving Past Problems

In addition to consecrating a current act, situation, circumstance, or problem, you can also use the Force to overcome past problems, including mistakes and errors made long ago. By consecrating past problems, you rid yourself of the difficulties of the past so that they cease burden you in the present.

A software programming company made a bid for work from a potential client, but had trouble securing it because of the client's lack of funds, confusion in its future direction, and other reasons. One day, several months later, this same client surprisingly asked the programming company back to submit yet another bid for work. This time before the first meeting for the bid, the chief programmer for the software company consecrated the event, including the offering of all past difficulties. At a meeting that followed, the client immediately gave the job to the programming company. In addition, they asked that the programmer not delay and begin the work instantly at the client’s site! To top it off, when the lead programmer did began that work, he noticed that everything flowed perfectly in the development of the program. E.g., what would normally have taken days of effort was completed in mere hours. In addition, there was also a feeling of serenity and ease throughout that day.

When you consecrate past problems, misdeeds, mistakes, and wrong attitudes, their influence on us in the present can instantaneously dissolve, and result in sudden and abundant positive good fortune in the present. This is the case because the Force knows no limitations of time -- of past, present, and future -- as it simultaneously abridges all three. Thus, it can overcome the limitations that the past has over the present, even as it can attract the infinite abundance of the future to the here and now.  

Changing Yourself when Results Do Not Come

Though the results of consecrated actions and problems are truly remarkable, there are instances where consecration will not produce any tangible results. This would naturally be quite disconcerting for those who have faith in the power of the Force. Fortunately, however there is a very simple explanation for this occurrence. It is that in certain situations the Force cannot work its magic unless a corresponding limitation or weakness in our being is removed. As soon as we discover and overcome the corresponding element that is wanting in our consciousness, a previously consecrated effort will suddenly bear fruit.

An individual opened to the Force in order to consecrate a difficult situation he was having with his boss. Though he offered the situation with great intensity, still there were no results. He then thought about it, and came to the realization that for months he had acted too weakly and indecisively in his relationship with his superior. As a result, he decided to confront his boss directly about the issues that were in question. Because of this decision and effort, not only were the current difficulties resolved, but also a very painful neck problem that had been troubling him for six months instantly disappeared.

In instances where consecrated effort brings no obvious results, it is helpful to discover a corresponding element within one’s self that is wanting. Very often it is in our attitudes, though it is often caused by our negative feelings, emotions, and opinions; by our misguided notions and beliefs; and by our poor habits, missing skills and capacities, false actions, and other aspects of our being. The overcoming of one's own limitation as it relates to the current act or issue one is consecrating, enables the Force to move into action, releasing its wondrous and infinite powers. In essence, the Force had been waiting for the necessary opening in our being in order to spring forward into action.

From the Macro to the Micro

One of the more interesting aspects of consecration are the various levels at which it can be invoked. Many individuals have the capacity to consecrate major events in their lives, such as an important meeting with a client, or an upcoming marriage ceremony, or the first day of a child’s schooling. This should be the minimum effort. It takes more discipline however to consecrate less critical activities, such as the work session one is about to begin, or the class one is about to teach, or a drive one is about to take. These too will attract wonderful results. More challenging still is to consecrate the very smallest of acts, such as brushing one’s teeth or the placing of food in the microwave for heating. And yet, consecrating even these minor activities have an enormous power to attract wonderful results. This is the case because the Force does not make distinctions between the infinitesimal and the very large, as it is ready to rush in with its infinite powers wherever there is an opening.

‘Unattached Intensity’

Yet another interesting aspect of consecration is that the more intense the consecration, (a) the more likely life will respond outside ourselves, and (b) the greater will be the quality of the response. By "intensity" we mean that our ardor for the Divine Help should be sincere, passionate, deep, and full. Conversely, we need to be careful that our ego does not get in the way of our consecrated effort. E.g., there should be no demand or insistence on a particular outcome. Instead, we should accept the results that come, for the Divine is always looking out for us, even if we initially misinterpret the results that come. In the end, an approach of “unattached intensity” would be ideal; one that will tend to attract the greatest results in the shortest period of time.

A consultant was working with a client. The discussions among the staff about an upcoming project reached a fervent pitch, bordering on chaos. The consultant perceived that he was now in a difficult situation, and the entire project was now in jeopardy. He also perceived that another project he was working on was similarly endangered. As a result of these turn of events, he fell into a state of agitation.

That evening he offered the problem to the Divine. He asked, with great intensity, that the Divine Force should resolve this burden. "Oh Divine, here is my plight. [He then went on to explain it in its details.] I offer the problem to you," he said. He then forgot the problem and went to bed.

The next day when he met with the client, he was stunned that there was no further discussion of the issue that had preoccupied everyone the previous day. He was also amazed how everything seemed to go right during the day’s training session, as life seemed to cooperate from all quarters. Perhaps most interestingly, he noticed that there was also a palpable calm and silence in the room throughout the day 

In this instance, we see that as a result of the consultant’s intense, yet unattached consecration, there was a wonderful response, which took two forms -- the practical results that solved the problem, as well as the spiritual results that permeated the atmosphere.

As we practice consecration on a regular basis, we will find that intensity and ardor -- as well as patience, positive attitude, cheerfulness, and equality -- will always serve us well; just as expectation and demand will delay or cancel the action of the Force.

Inner Orientation for Maximum Results

There is one other obstacles that we are likely to face in our effort to make consecration an integral part of our lives. Once you take up the effort, there is a tendency for our lower consciousness to fight back and insist on its old habits and routines. As a result, our efforts towards consecrated action tend to thin out over time, and eventually stop. At that point, we would need to regroup, begin again, and reestablish a new rhythm for consistent consecrated action.

What then can we do to prevent the reoccurrence of the obstacles presented by the unevolved, obstinate, unyielding, and inflexible lower nature? One answer is that we can move our center of consciousness and frame of reference away from the surface of life to a deeper poise within. From that status, we are less likely to find ourselves caught up in the intensities of the surface, and thus we are less likely to lose our focus and interest in consecrating our actions. Through meditation, concentration (i.e. inner, one-pointed focus), and other disciplines, we can shift our moment-to-moment awareness away from the surface of life –- from its bubblings, allures, and intensities -- to a deeper state within. From that poise, we are more likely to feel that urge to consecrate our actions, leading to ever-more frequent wondrous positive responses from life.

--Roy Posner 21:26, 27 April 2009 (UTC)

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