Human Science

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  1. An act is isolated.
  2. Several acts combining to produce a greater result in a fixed form that can be repeated is a system which becomes an essential base for organisation.
  3. Organisation is an act of the mind that emerges from the knowledge of the act leading to result.
  4. Several systems go to create an organisation when they synchronise in time and space.
  5. That which organises is mind.
  6. Organisation is that arrangement of work which, in the given circumstances, accomplishes most with the least energy and in the shortest time.
  7. Organisation raises the work from the physical to the mental plane.
  8. Consciousness progresses by organisation.
  9. Organisation develops the consciousness.
  10. Law is to the nature of energy what organisation is to the result of work.
  11. Opinion is an organisation of thought.
  12. Attitude is the organisation of opinion directing vital energy.
  13. Motive is the organisation of the being of which attitude and opinion are parts.
  14. Organisation can be unconscious or conscious.
  15. Wherever energy expresses as skill, organisation emerges.
  16. The subconscious organisation in living organisms emerges as conscious organisations in society.
  17. Organisation - institution - organism - social vibration (culture) are successive stages in the development of any new activity as it evolves from formal conscious structure to informal, subconscious habit, custom or deeply seated social value.

See also Institution
