Human Science

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The principle of latent heat in physics declares that a container of liquid will remain at the boiling point until the entire volume turns into vapour. An excess energy of heat is required for the liquid state to pass into gaseous state. The earlier state has to be saturated with heat. It is not enough that it touches the boiling point.

Man evolves from the physical to the mental or spiritual level. Dividing each of these levels into surface and depth – consciousness and substance – he has to rise through 6 or 8 levels.

A cardinal principle of this process is that to move to each higher status, his present level must be saturated with energy. This is true in all fields

  • For a change from liquid and gas in physics.
  • For nations to reach political maturity.
  • For technology to raise the standard of living.
  • For the emergence of character, personality and individuality in human personality.

This is equally true when each of these fields is sub-divided into smaller parts or stages. At each transition point, the previous level needs to be saturated before there can be advance to the next *level. This holds true even if the stages are subdivided ad infinitum.

  • Language passes through the stages of dialect, slang, formal grammar, literary prose, and poetry until it matures as blank verse.
  • Act matures through nine stages to reach consciousness.
  • Physical sensation rises to spiritual values through the stages of vital sensation, feeling, sentiment, thought, mental sensations of imagination and discrimination.
  • The gross physical plane similarly rises to the causal plane through vital, mental and their subtle parts.
  • Even in memorization, the processes of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division permit this law.
  • Every advancement in computer consciously passes through such technological stages only after the previous state is saturated.
  • Survival, Growth, Development and Evolution is another example of such a chain.
  • Order, law, justice, dharma (higher duty) take the developed human conscience through four stages following the same principle of saturation.
  • Attraction, attachment, affection, love follows the same progression in human relationships.