Human Science
  1. Secrecy is the secret of accomplishment.
  2. Theoretically, secrecy is the total concentration of the energies of the whole atmosphere on the thing to be accomplished.
  3. The greatest of human enjoyment is Man enjoying the woman’s body. It is done in privacy that is secretive.
  4. The importance of secrecy can be fully appreciated when we know even animals go to a secluded spot for mating. It is their preference.
  5. Accomplishment needs concentration; concentration rises in privacy; it is at its highest when no other mind is even aware of the work. Another man knowing of a certain work can dilute the concentration in the subtle plane.
  6. It is a fact that any accomplishment demands a certain amount of secrecy.
  7. Secrecy can be measured on a scale from total secrecy to total publicity.
  8. Others coming to know of the work has a different consequence than when we volunteer information.
  9. Accomplishment is hindered by the ego claiming the work.
  10. It is true that public works demand publicity.
  11. Even there, there are areas that demand secrecy.
  12. The limit to secrecy is determined by the point beyond which ego appropriates the work as its own achievement.
  13. As milk that turns into curd is not to be disturbed during that process, the work, certain phases of it, must be left unhindered.
  14. It is also true the milk is to be thoroughly churned for it to yield butter. This is an example of a certain result, which can be accomplished by the opposite process.
  15. International politics, and international business resort to espionage extensively for their survival and growth. This does not justify a gentleman practicing eavesdropping, which was widely practiced in France of 17th and 18th centuries.
  16. Intimate relationships such as between bosom friends, affectionate brothers know the sensitive borders of secrecy in their valid relationships.
  17. Up to a point, removing secrecy delights. Beyond that point, it is secrecy that is the source of intense generation of emotions.
  18. These change according to age, circumstance, work, mood and the occasion.
  19. The orders of the general are declared, not explained.
  20. Secrecy goes with sensitivity.
  21. There are sensitivities to be honored; and other sensitivities are to be dishonored when that rare occasion arises.
  22. As the photo film cannot be exposed to light, the film of accomplishment cannot meet the public gaze for a second.
  23. Secrecy once lost is lost forever.
  24. Even this extremely delicate product can be made to survive by an inner method of self-forgetfulness, which is extremely difficult.
  25. The greatest of victories, it is said, are not announced by the beat of drum.