Human Science

In Which Quadrant Is One


Can it be known which quadrant one is in? The result lets us know it. But don't we need to know before, so that we can change the result?

  1. The Life Divine says that Life progresses by Consciousness and Consciousness progresses by organization. To observe is the first step in becoming conscious. When we are not able to decide on an issue, we are not fully conscious about it and its components. We have several conflicting and contradictory thoughts, feelings and attitudes about the issue. When we start using the decision making tool, we begin to observe all the factors that influence the decision and its outcome. Observation and analysis of all factors lead us to some kind of mental organization, this organization makes us more conscious and this progress in consciousness brings us progress in life. One of the basic purposes of the decision making tool is to make us understand our present inner and outer status. We will certainly understand in which quadrant we are in as clearly as a big gold coin on our palm if we use the tool in the right way.
  2. The main purpose of the decision making tool is to give us unfailing success in whatever we do. To make us understand which quadrant we are in through the results is NOT its purpose. As we will know where we are in even before we start doing something about our decision, we can take every necessary step to move into the quadrant I. The moment we move into the quadrant I, our success is assured.--Chan 06:06, 25 March 2007 (UTC)

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